King jean
by on July 17, 2023
Yes, narcissists cry, but not for the reason you may think.
The sign of tears is usually as a result of being hurt, disappointed, or sad. But when it comes to Narcissists, nothing is ever as it seems as they use their tears to communicate and accomplish so much more. Crying is not a difficult thing for Narcissists, it is something they can do with a snap of the fingers. We need to remember that they are actors and actresses who have perfected their craft. But when you know what they are about or what their tears mean, they lose the desired effect.
Here are 5 Reasons Why Narcissists Cry:
1. To create a false impression.
This is where the Narcissist would want you to believe that they are empathetic individuals. This is very important, especially in the early stages of a relationship. So, they would pretend as though they can empathize with someone else’s predicament and pretend as though it affects them deeply as well. This can be for both fictitious events and real events. Fictitious events can be something from a novel that they are reading or a movie that they are watching where the Narcissist may think it necessary to try and convince you that they are so touched by what they are reading or seeing. Then there are the real events where a friend or family member may have suffered some significant loss. Or someone the Narcissist knows may have died. The Narcissist will use these events as an opportunity to display their false empathy.
Narcissists know it is very important to display some sort of empathy and many of them have learned to do just that in order to convince people that they care about others. Deception is the name of the game and if the Narcissist can deceive you into thinking that they are empathetic, caring individuals then you are more likely to trust them or see them as a good person. So beware, because the Narcissist will only cry to win your heart so that they can later break your heart.
2. Pure frustration.
This is a result of their need to be in control of everyone and everything, which is not possible, and the Narcissist, therefore, becomes disappointed and frustrated. They end up shedding a few tears over their own misfortune or unfulfilled plans. This is the only time their tears come from a genuine place, but these tears are not for anyone else but themselves. Narcissists cannot handle disappointments. They cannot cope with losing control or being faced with the reality of having a lack of control and this makes them truly sad. They are distraught when they don’t get what they want, or things don’t play out the way they want them to. With their tears, they are hoping to gain pity, sympathy and to basically get someone to help them. The Narcissist’s tears are only genuine when they are crying over their own losses.
3. To Defuse an attack.
Narcissists hate to be confronted or challenged about their behaviour and if they realise there is no way of explaining their way out of a situation, they will try to cry their way out of it. Narcissists hate taking accountability for their bad actions and are always quick to blame someone else. But if all that fails, they rely on their tears. They are hoping that when they cry you will stop the accusations and the blame and even give them an apology. Narcissists use their tears to end conversations that are not beneficial for them or their image. It is one of their ways to get people to back off and leave them alone. And they are hoping that you never attempt to do it again. And this is where it can get difficult trying to deal with real matters with a Narcissist because they will use anger, tears or both to avoid anyone pointing a finger at them. So, if they are in the spotlight for anything negative, they will use their tears to try and defuse the situation.
4. To incite an attack on someone else.
This is one of the reasons why their smear campaigns are so effective. It is because they become the victims and they would lie and cry to get people to believe them. This is how they gather their flying monkeys and motivate them to attack. The Narcissist knows that becoming vulnerable and appearing weak will inspire others to stand up for them and support them. So, although some of the flying monkeys are just as wicked as the Narcissist some of them are just duped into believing the lies of the Narcissist as they play the victim role so well. Narcissists are prepared to say whatever it takes to get people to view you as the enemy. There are no limits to the lies they will tell to get flying monkeys, the police, judge or whoever else to view you as the perpetrator.
5. To keep someone.
This would only happen if a prime source of supply discarded the Narcissist. Because many times they just move on to other sources. But this is when you find out how much you offered the Narcissist. Because in spite of all the lies and abuse, they will cry their evil eyes out to get you to stay with them. They will cry like you have never seen them cry. Because it is important that they convince you that they are going to die if you leave them or do not come back to them. The loss of someone who the Narcissist deems as a primary source of supply can drive them to become very desperate. Crying would just be the start. After that, they may hit rock bottom or resort to stalking that individual. But they do hope that their tears will make you stay or that you give them another chance. They are not crying because they love you, they are crying because you have something they want, and they don’t want to lose it.
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